Please see attached information about the WVABLE program through the WV State Treasurer's Office!

Make-up picture day is tomorrow!!

Please see parent resources attached!

Congratulations to the following students who will be representing BMS at County Math Field Day on December 8th!

Congratulations to all our Social Studies Fair winners! All students who won first place will be moving on to the County Fair on December 14th at Crum.

Congratulations to all our Beta winners from the convention this week!

We had a wonderful student-led Veteran's Day assembly yesterday, including the SVHS JROTC and one of our own students playing Taps. Much thanks to our social studies department for putting together this annual event!


8th Grade October Student of the Month - DAISY WALLACE. Daisy is a hard worker who cares about the work she presents. She is involved in both classroom and schoolwide activities. She is always willing to lend a helping hand.

8th Grade October Student of the Month - NICK LIGHT. Nick tries his best on any task that is presented to him. He has a positive attitude and is never afraid to ask questions.

7th Grade Student of the Month - SAMUAL TACKETT. Sam is always eager to help and eager to learn. He comes to school happy and excited for the day. His positive attitude brightens everyone's day!

7th Grade October Student of the Month - CHLOE STILTNER. Chloe is so kind and patient. She is always the first to offer help, volunteer, and participate. She asks her teachers how their day has been. She does her best and turns in quality work.

6th Grade October Student of the Month - ADAM MARZAK. Adam is a very polite student. He is always on task and ready to learn.

6th Grade October 2023 Student of the Month - MADALYNN WILSON. Madalynn is a wonderful student. She always participates in class and is ready to help her peers.

BMS Baseball / Softball Teams - Please fill out the survey so that we can collect information on the number of athletes interested in possibly having a team at BMS. Please fill out ALL information. Thanks!

It's time to order your yearbook!!!

Yard signs will be available in the very near future to express your Bison Pride! 🦬 The signs are $20. Stay tuned for more information!

The results of our College Week Door Decorating Contest are in! Thanks to all the students and staff who participated! #CollegeBoundWV #GEARUPworks

We ended CAEW by hosting our 2nd annual Career Day on Friday. Students had the opportunity to hear from 18 different presenters across 11 career clusters. Students from SV CTE also came to talk to our 8th graders about opportunities for high school! #CollegeBoundWV #GEARUPworks

We ended College Week with Career Day - dress for your future career! Thanks to all students who participated! #CollegeBoundWV #GEARUPworks