Our Student Leadership Council is hosting a food drive next week (October 15th-18th). Students will turn in non-perishable food items into their homeroom classes. Outside donations can also be dropped off to the school. The class that collects the most cans will receive a breakfast party. We will also be allowing free admission into next week’s home football game against Ft. Gay with the donation of five food items. The graphics below were created by Student Leadership Council members Avery Fry and Levi McSweeney.
Please talk to your students about the Social Studies Fair. Teachers have gone over the information in class, and students have been assigned projects either individually or with a group. Pre-judging will take place on 11/8, and the School Level Fair will be 11/13.
The county has released Volume 2, Alert 1 of the social media alerts that they started last year. There is an album on Facebook with all the past alerts that were released last year.
Yesterday, we started some new classes in the 7th & 8th grades during the related arts rotation. These follow the Project Lead the Way Gateway curriculum and expose students to STEM careers. We are excited to see what knowledge these students will gain from these classes! They will be one semester long, so a new group of students will be able to take these classes in January. Our 6th grade program has not yet begun, but we are looking forward to its implementation soon as well! If you are interested in learning more about this curriculum, please follow this link: https://www.pltw.org/curriculum/pltw-gateway?utm_term=pltw&utm_campaign=Brand&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6763382768&hsa_cam=16250547598&hsa_grp=136474172314&hsa_ad=582603359175&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1363421909&hsa_kw=pltw&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIreifmc6BiQMVR2NHAR27XBZcEAAYASAEEgKJQfD_BwE
Report cards went home today. Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow evening!
Last school year, 2 of our students (Izzy Shong & Addison Kilgore) were selected as regional winners in the Kids Kick Opioids contest. Their work will be featured in front of the Attorney General’s Office in the main capitol building in Charleston from 10/7-10/14.
Just in: the Kona ice truck will be there for the kickball tournament on Monday as well!
Monday is our 1st six weeks incentive reward activity - a schoolwide kickball tournament! We will be providing food and drinks for the students, but the Wavy Beach Taco Co. food truck will be there as well. They are offering a special $10 meal deal for students. We are excited to celebrate our students' accomplishments this first term!
Possum Festival Parent Volunteers: We've tried to reach out to all volunteers who have contacted us, but if for some reason you haven't received our email, please be at the school between 7:45 am and 8 am. Things should be wrapped up by 2 pm. Thank you for your participation and call with any questions!
Our third annual Career Day is quickly approaching. Please fill out the form through the link below or use the QR code in the picture if you are willing to volunteer your time that day to present to students: https://forms.office.com/r/BUSEpKtBRq
October is a very busy month! We will have parent teacher conferences on Tuesday, October 8th. Please reference the attached image for more important events. These can also be found on our school website and our BMS News Schoology group!
Please see the attached letter with information on the Possum Festival, which will held at school on Thursday, October 3rd.
Congratulations to the following students for making the Beta Club. We are looking forward to seeing all these students accomplish this year!
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Student Leadership Council members! Their first project of the year will be a Food Drive - more information will follow!
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Robotics Club members! We are looking forward to seeing what you all accomplish this year!
Students are bringing home these pamphlets today about attendance policies and our homeless policy. Don't forget that you can fill out our online absence excuse form when your child is absent - there is a QR code on the form or you can use this link: https://bms.wayn.k12.wv.us/o/bm/forms/absence-excuse-form-bms-24-25
Possum Festival Merchandise available starting on Monday!
Students who applied for and are being invited to join the Robotics Club will be bringing home a letter today with more information. The permission slip needs to be signed and returned to the office along with $50.
Students who scored in the 25th percentile or lower on the Star Reading & Math benchmark testing will be bringing home a paper explaining their test scores as well as interventions that are being done in the classroom to help them improve. If you would like to request a meeting with the teachers to discuss this further, please fill out the bottom portion of the form and return to school.
Important Documents going home today: Test score information on how to access your student's WVGSA test scores from Spring 2024 & a letter inviting your family for recognition at the next BOE meeting if your student scored at or above EXCEEDS on state testing from last year.