Congratulations to Scout Maynard and Rylee Erdlitz for placing with their Young Writers' Essays. Scout will be moving on to the State competition.

REMINDER: See information below. These programs require multiple steps to apply including teacher recommendations and recommendations from the school principal and superintendent. Please get your applications to the school counselor by March 31st!
The WV Governor's Schools offers free summer programs for students in 7-11th grades. There are 3 programs specifically for middle school students: STEM Institute at WVU (7th), STEM Institute at Green Bank Observatory (8th), and Literacy in Charleston (8th). Please see the flyers for more information. If you are interested in having your student attend any of these programs, please contact Lauren Hensley, school counselor. Here is the website with more information on the programs: https://wvde.us/gov-schools/

Good luck to our students participating in the Regional Social Studies Fair at Marshall today: Ainsley Brumfield, Grant Deerfield, Ben Gue, Emelia Harris, Scout Maynard, Levi McSweeney, Garrett Nelson, Bentley Ord, and Chase Roark.

Family Engagement Opportunity

See attached picture for information on school calendar changes due to snow days

On Wednesday, our students participated in an annual event through a partnership with Branches & Contact. Sixth graders received a presentation and activities regarding healthy and unhealthy relationships. Seventh and eighth grades participated in an activity called "In Their Shoes," where they received scenarios and had to make choices to see where those choices led.

Today is Regional Math Field Day - we have 3 students attending: Jace Hager, Piper Lewis, & Scout Maynard. Today is also the Jazz Band Festival, and we have Levi McSweeney participating. We are so proud of these students!!

The bus students will be riding to SVHS for track starting tomorrow is #1671. All students who are going to track will need a bus note to get on the bus.

Reminders for This Week: NJHS applications due to school tomorrow, track & field practice starts tomorrow at SVHS after school - students must bring a note to ride the bus, and Special Olympics basketball at Wayne is tomorrow and Thursday.


The WV Governor's Schools offers free summer programs for students in 7-11th grades. There are 3 programs specifically for middle school students: STEM Institute at WVU (7th), STEM Institute at Green Bank Observatory (8th), and Literacy in Charleston (8th). Please see the flyers for more information. If you are interested in having your student attend any of these programs, please contact Lauren Hensley, school counselor. Here is the website with more information on the programs: https://wvde.us/gov-schools/

Families: Don't forget to take advantage of the Parent Guidance program! Information about this program is listed on our school website under "About Us." Also, below is a link to show you how to register: https://vimeo.com/1035707821?share=copy

Update from NJHS: Due to weather delays and cancellations, the NJHS applications are now due by next Wednesday, February 26th.

Congratulations to these students for winning the attendance drawings! Everyone with perfect attendance for the third six weeks and first semester were placed into a drawing. Aiden won the 3rd six weeks prize, an Amazon gift card, and Baylee won the first semester prize, a Fire tablet. Thanks to Amazon for donating items for our drawings! We will be doing another drawing for the next 3 six weeks and the second semester!


Boys Basketball Tournament is on for tomorrow night! Bracket attached! Come out and support our boys!🏀🏀

WCS -- CLOSED --- Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. I will let you know about the Boys Basketball Tournament as soon as I hear anything.


The Buffalo Beta Clubs are working together to collect donations for the communities affected by the recent flooding. Cleaning supplies are one of their biggest needs right now. You can drop off donations at either Buffalo Elementary or Middle, or you can reach out to a Beta member. The donation drive will be running from February 20-26th.

WCS - CLOSED --- Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.