Please see attached photo for details on Spirit Week, which is next week. Our homecoming dance is this coming Saturday, September 23rd, and the homecoming game is Thursday, September 28th.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
8th Grade Parents: Today your student is bringing home a paper that describes the survey process for Gear Up this year. If you DO NOT want your student to participate, please complete & return the form. You do not need to do anything if it is okay for your student to participate!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Attached is information about a training being provided this weekend by the WV Developmental Disabilities Council. If you are interested in attending, use the QR code on the flyer to sign up, or you can request a paper copy of the registration to be sent home with your student!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Picture Day is tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Parents: if your student was chosen to be on the county robotics team or Beta robotics team, they will be bringing home a paper today with more information. Please complete the paper and send back to school on Monday.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Parents: if your student signed up for Beta, they will be bringing a paper home with them today with information on their category. They need to return the completed paper as well as $30 for the convention fee. If they are not able to be in Beta, please let us know so we can adjust our list.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Just a reminder - instrument night is tonight! Tomorrow is the last day for 6th grade students to join or drop band for this school year.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Academy Day is happening THIS WEEK in South Charleston and Beckley!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Don't forget to refer to this calendar for important school year dates - just a reminder that tomorrow is a staff only PL day. Students do not report to school.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Third time is a CHARM --- Hopefully! Homecoming Country Western Shindig will be Sept. 23, 2023 from 7-9. I want to thank those of you who purchased items from our Amazon List for the dance!
over 1 year ago, Buffalo Middle School
Homecoming 3
If you would like to support our kids by purchasing supplies for the Country & Western Homecoming Shindig, I have attached an Amazon Wish List. We appreciate your support!
over 1 year ago, Buffalo Middle School
We are having a terrible time trying to find a date for our Homecoming Country & Western Shindig! We do not want to schedule a day when other schools have events. We will get back to you ASAP!
over 1 year ago, Buffalo Middle School
Sixth grade students were assigned "homework" over summer break. Today, those who completed it were given their prize! Congratulations to all those who participated!!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
s 1
Bus Change for 9/7/2023: If your student rides bus 1160 or 1172 and lives on Right Fork of Camp Creek, you will need to pick them up at the end of the road today due to street paving. If you decide to come pick up your student from school instead of having them ride the bus home, please call us to let us know by 1:30 pm.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
8th Grade Families: Your students will be bringing home a field trip permission slip today. These must be returned by FRIDAY at the latest. We are taking the whole 8th grade on an art trip next Monday, September 11th. Also, if you have not returned your student's health history form, we must have that in by tomorrow, so that we can submit all that to the nurse to approve the trip.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Please see the attached flyer with information about the annual Academy Days.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
Students are bringing home their agendas today. Please review the handbook and complete the verification page. This needs to be returned to school as soon as possible!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
BMS Football!
over 1 year ago, Buffalo Middle School
BMS Prayer
Please see the picture below for details on parent & bus notes as well as changes to plans for your students' dismissal from school!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
We are so excited for this new program at BMS! Attached is Mrs. Shilot's first Agriculture newsletter.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Hensley
ag news