WVDE Learning Survey - Your child will be bringing home a Passive Permission Slip to participate in the survey. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please send this form back by March 20, 2023. The link for the Parent Survey will come through Schoology.

Reminder: Tomorrow night is the NJHS induction. Ceremony starts at 6:30 pm. Students participating must be at school no later than 6:15 pm.

We are please to share with you that our counselor, Lauren Hensley, received the award for WV Middle School Counselor of the Year! Those of us who work with her were not surprised in the least!!! She is absolutely the BEST! Our kids are so fortunate to have her!❤️❤️

Last week, our 7th grade students were able to virtually tour WVU's campus. They will be taking an in-person tour of Marshall's campus next month! #campusvisit #educationalliance #wvgearup #GEARUPworks

Please see attached picture for information on legal services available to Wayne county families.

CALEB MARCUM - 8th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- Caleb is helpful to his teachers and classmates; he is engaged in class and does well on his work. He is pleasant and brings a laugh to the class.

ADDI SUE BAILEY - 8th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- She is always joyful, she is consistently smiling and upbeat. She participates in every class, is conscientious of her schoolwork and kind to her classmates.

BRODY WOLFE - 7th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- He is such a good student. It is also fun to have a conversation with Brody. He is supportive of his friends, stays on task and is willing to help.

EVERLEIGH LEONARD - 7th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- She is very bright and enjoyable to have in class. She always participates and helps her peers. She turns in quality work and is kind to her classmates.

ACHILLES VANGILDER - 6th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- Achilles is an eager student who consistently completes his work on time. He is always in a delightful mood and is sure to put a smile on his teachers' face.

KYLEE STOWERS - 6th Grade Feb. 2023 Student of the Month -- Kylee is a very hardworking student. She is dependable and always on task. She is driven and strives to do her best.

BLACK / WHITE BASKETBALL GAME TONIGHT (5:30) -- Everyone will need to pay to enter. Coaching Cards, County Cards, etc. will not be accepted. The Gym only has one score board and it is on it's last legs! Thank you for understanding and supporting our athletic programs. K-Gym!

Today a representative from the Children's Mobile Crisis Team came to school to discuss what they have to offer to our families. Please see the attached brochure for more information! The crisis line is available 24/7.

Please see the attached information about summer learning for your students!

Come out and enjoy the fun!🏀🏀

Bus 1766 is held up behind a wreck about 500 yards from Walker's Branch.

Please see the photo below for information about this year's Good Grief Camp! Here is the link with registration information: https://hospiceofhuntington.org/services/grief-support/

Hoops for Heart 🏀❤️ tomorrow! $2 to watch. All proceeds go to the American Heart Association. $5 per person to compete! All teams have been formed.

Wayne County Girls' Tournament MOST VALUABLE PLAYER!!! Charlee Harris 🏀🏀