Today was our last day of National Gear Up Week. Students wrote postcards to their future selves about their plans and goals for after high school. Thanks to everyone who participated in our activities this week! #GearUpWorks #WVGearUp

National Gear Up Week is coming to an end! We now have a Postsecondary options wall at school for students to see all the possibilities after high school. Also, look through the staff pictures and see if you can recognize your teachers from their college days! #GearUpWorks

Attached is information about Gear Up. This year's current 7th and 8th grade students are considered Gear Up cohort students. This program will follow both groups all the way through high school. If you have any questions about the program, contact Lauren Hensley at BMS.

8th Grade September 2022 (male) Student of the Month - Reece Davis
8th Grade Team stated --- Reece is always kind and helpful to his peers and his teachers. During the first week of school, he offered assistance to all of his classmates during locker assignments. He participates in every class, is eager to answer questions and he shows good sportsmanship during intramurals.

8th Grade September (female) Student of the Month - Anna Angle
8th Grade Team stated --- Anna is an extremely hard worker, always engaged and on task. She volunteers in class, is polite and kind to everyone and is responsible.

7th Grade September (male) Student of the Month - Dawson Poole
7th Grade Team stated --- Dawson helped us all set up our air purifiers when they came in for our classrooms. He is quite helpful and is eager to work.

7th Grade September 2022 (female) Student of the Month - Emma Dunlap
7th Grade Team stated --- Emma has such a positive attitude and gets along with everyone. She regularly volunteers and is always ready to learn.

September 2022 (male) Student of the Month - Jae Morales
6th Grade Team stated --- Jae is the model star student. He is always on task, always polite, and always helpful in the classroom. Jae is always willing to welcome his peers and make them feel included. He is very respectful and kind to others. Overall, Jae sets the highest standard of what it means to be an excellent students at BMS.

September 2022 (female) Student of the Month - Chloe Stiltner
6th Grade Team stated ---Chloe is a delightful student who is always eager to learn in the classroom. She shines in her schoolwork and friendships. Chloe always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. In the classroom, she excels at completing her assignments in a timely manner and helping her peers when they need assistance. Chloe is an excellent example of a star student.

A group of seventh and eighth grade students were able to attend the Student Leadership Academy in Charleston hosted by Gear Up. They learned about leadership and opportunities available to them after high school. More Gear Up activities will occur later this year! #GearUpWorks

Student brought home a "BMS Cash Calendar" today. This is a fundraiser for the General Fund. The General Fund is what we use to do things for kids. The directions are on the form. If you have any questions, just give us a call. Forms and money are due Nov. 1, 2022.

It is National Gear Up Week, and @wvgearupstudents are all celebrating at Buffalo Middle School! Today, they wrote letters to their Senators and House Representatives thanking them for supporting Gear Up! #GEARUPworks


SMART529 is celebrating 20 years by giving away three $20,000 scholarships!
Entries must be completed by a parent or legal guardian
Child must be 14 or younger as of August 10, 2022
Child AND parent/legal guardian must be a West Virginia resident
Only one entry per eligible child permitted
Multiple children in a household may be entered to win

Lindsay Burley from Legal Aid (Lawyer in School Program) will be at Buffalo Middle School starting October 4th from 1-3 pm and will continue every 1st and 3rd Tuesday throughout the school year.
The Lawyer in the School program (LIS) offers on-site free walk-in legal clinics run by Legal Aid attorneys. The clinics are available to all families with children in Wayne or Cabell County schools. LIS can help resolve issues such as: Medicaid, Custody and Visitation, Guardianship and Adoption, Child Support, Wills and Power of Attorney, Evictions, Housing Issues, DHHR Benefits, Employment, Bankruptcy, and Expungement of Certain Criminal Convictions.

If you have questions about BETA, please contact Mrs. Bailey (sebailey@k12.wv.us).

BETA: Any student who has already returned their agreement and membership fee needed to submit their convention fee ($30) by today. If they did not, please do so MONDAY morning. If I do not receive the fee on Monday, I will assume they do not want to compete at the convention.

Spirit Week Attire!

8th Grade Students that played at the Spring Valley Football Game last night! 🎷🎺🥁🎶

We are having pictures today. 😀 You may order online. The flyer says that you GET MORE ONLINE!
WEBSITE: www.strawbridge.net
CODE: FM403439