over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
I am so thankful for John Stanley. He always goes above and beyond for BMS. Our student drop-off / pick-up area looks much better.
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
Student Drop-off
Student Drop-off
Here is an opportunity for the community to help provide a NEON Homecoming experience for our kids! If you would like to participate, it would be greatly appreciated! https://a.co/9eHwy5N
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
Enjoy your day tomorrow students!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
No School
Sarah Bailey (8th Grade Science Teacher at BMS) is a finalist for the WV STATE Teacher of the Year. She is a finalist in the state. Tune in to watch the ceremony at 6:00 p.m. https://www.facebook.com/events/561999005673522/
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
Teacher of Year with Board
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022 is a Professional Development day for teachers. STUDENTS DO NOT HAVE TO COME TO SCHOOL! We will see them Thursday!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
BETA is BACK!!☺️
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
PICTURE DAY! Friday, September 16, 2022 is picture day! Bring your best smile and be ready to be awesome! Paperwork will be coming home tomorrow. Make sure you fill it out send it back on Friday!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
If your student is interested in the HATS program, please have them pick up an application from the counselor, Mrs. Hensley. Completed applications need to be returned to the counselor by Friday, September 16th, so that they can be turned in to get approved by HATS.
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
Homecoming NEON Dance! Come join the fun in your favorite INFORMAL Neon Attire!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
HOCO Dance
Tomorrow at Buffalo Middle School, we are having a Back to School Bash sponsored by Gear Up. Parents are invited to attend to learn more about the Gear Up program as well as HATS. The event is from 9-11 AM and will be taking place in front of the school. There will be a table with information about both programs. Gear Up is a federally funded program that helps students in eleven WV counties prepare to succeed in education and training beyond high school. To learn more, visit https://www.wvgearup.org/ The Heart of Appalachia Talent Search Program (HATS) is a federally funded TRIO Program that provides academic support to 600 middle and high school students in Mason and Wayne counties who demonstrate the ability to succeed in college or a vocational/technical school. This program helps students achieve academic as well as personal success. To learn more, visit https://www.marshall.edu/hats/
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
It time to buy your VOLLEYBALL gear! The store will be open until Sept. 11, 2022. Follow this link: https://hometown-sportswear.printavo.com/merch/buffalo-volleyball-fall-2022
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
Help us help you! Please fill out this survey to help us know how to serve your family best!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
Family Survey QR Code
Family Survey
I am so thankful for my custodians. They work so hard to make sure our school is a clean and welcoming place for our kids and staff! Look at the shine on that floor!! ❤️❤️John Stanley ❤️❤️ Ronald Diamond ❤️❤️ Jonathan Watts
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
Shiny Floor
Don't miss out on Academy Days this year. it is a great experience!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
Academy Days
Academy Days Page 2
8th Grade Supply List - Two 1-Subject notebooks, One 3-Subject notebook, blue or black pen, highlighter, and a GOOD ATTITUDE!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
7th Grade Supply List - Binder, loose leaf paper, pencils, folders for binder, colored pencils, ruler and a GOOD ATTITUDE!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
6th Grade Supply List - Basic 4 function calculator, plenty of pencils, 6 one subject notebooks, ear buds (wired - will stay at school), 2 pocket folders, 2 highlighters, tissues, and a GOOD ATTITUDE!
over 2 years ago, Buffalo Middle School
Ms. Lambert did a wonderful job with our yearbook from last year! you can still order one, but you will have to pay shipping since it is after August 1st. Ordering information is below!😊
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
21-22 Yearbook
Order Information
This is the Wayne County App for your phone.
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Ryder
Wayne County App