Our No Place for Hate group completed their last activity of the year today. Throughout this year, they have collected pledges, supplied upstander messages, and handed out positive, encouraging messages on sticky notes. We hope to expand this club next year! #NPFH

Much thanks to the Giovanni's in Lavalette for donating pizza for our teachers today! #TeacherAppreciationWeek

Recently, we completed the Discover Your Future lessons for this year. Students reviewed the career clusters they learned about throughout the year & completed projects/activities to see which ones may be a good fit for them in the future. This 7th grade group of students created & presented PowerPoints on each of the clusters they learned about. We are looking forward to continuing this program next school year. #DiscoverYourFuture #CTEinmiddleschools

8th Grade April Student of the Month - Brady Dixon! Brady is quick with questions in class to make sure his understanding is clear. He is always ready with a joke or something witty to add. Brady is conscientious with his grades and schoolwork.

8th Grade April Student of the Month - Emily Lake! Emily is such a respectful and bright student. She always participants, stays engaged, is kind to everyone and works hard.

8th Grade April Student of the Month - Emily Lake! Emily is such a respectful and bright student. She always participants, stays engaged, is kind to everyone and works hard.

7th Grade Student of the Month - Dalton Nicholas! He is very pleasant to have in class. He works hard to complete his assignments and he is active and engaged in classroom conversations. Dalton is polite and helpful to both his peers and adults in the school.

7th Grade April Student of the Month - Kara Kinser! Kara quietly exceeds our expectations on the daily. She always does her work conscientiously and completes it with much detail and thought. She doesn't turn it in to just "get it done."

6th Grade April Student of the Month - Dyllan Perry! Dyllan is a sweet natured student. He never hesitates to lend a hand. He is very active in band and takes pride in representing our school.

6th Grade April Student of the Month - Allie Fry! Allie is a very hardworking student. She always offers to help her teachers and her peers. She is an enthusiastic participant and consistently stays on task.

8th Grade March Student of the Month - Savannah Davis! Savannah is an excellent student who is committed to her education and classwork. She is always pleasant and respectful, personable, and helpful.

7th Grade March Student of the Month - Ahlam Amin! Ahlam works hard and is always up for a challenge. She smiles easily and is kind to others. Ahlam does her best and turns in quality work.

7th Grade March Student of the Month - Braylon Moore! Braylon is always polite to others and staff. He always has a smile on his face and puts his best foot forward. He works hard at everything he does.

6th Grade Student of the Month - SCOTT HODGE! Scott is a delightful student to have in class. He always offers to help in any way that he can. He has been working very hard to improve in all areas.

Piper is a very responsible student. She is always on task and strives to do her best in all subjects. We enjoy having her in class.

The RAZE Bison Crew completed the "Don't Fall for Candy-Coated Lies" commotion recently! #wvraze #bisoncrew

Much thanks to Chase at Sheetz (18th St. W) for the generous donation of coffee and donuts for our staff this morning! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Congratulations to our 2 winners from BMS!! #GoldenHorseshoe #waytogo

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers who donated their time and food for our teachers today! #TeacherAppreciationWeek

If you are interested in joining the Buffalo Middle School Cheer team in August this message is for YOU! 🖤🤍
We will be using a flex day on May 8th from 5pm-7pm at the Middle School gym. You will need to wear appropriate cheer clothing and shoes. There will be an informative parent meeting immediately following at 7pm. Information about upcoming June conditioning, August tryouts, and fall competition will be given at this meeting. Please help spread the word🖤🤍📣
We are already looking forward to meeting you!!