7th Grade Shots -- We have about 30 of our 7th Grade students that have not submitted the paperwork for their required 7th Grade shots. Our nurse, Paige Marsh, stated that they will not be able to start school until we have documentation of the shots. You can email those to paige.marsh@k12.wv.us or fax them to BMS - 304-429-7245. Enjoy your last week of Summer!
4 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
The schedules that you are seeing on Schoology are not final. We are still working on schedule. I know that every parent would like for their child to be in the classroom with their friends. However, that is not realistic when making a schedule or in life. I do not accept requests to change schedules for students unless there is a documented legal reason to do so. It is not fair to grant some requests and not others. It is a new year and there are many new and exciting experiences ahead. It is good to get out of our comfort zone and meet new people. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year.
4 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
We are pleased to share that we are offering a new resource to support mental health and wellness. ParentGuidance.org is free to all staff, parents, and families in our district. The link to this website will be available under Quick Links as well as the About Us page.
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Today, we had an amazing orientation for our incoming sixth grade students as well as a parent orientation this evening. We want to thank our teachers who volunteered their time to make this day possible!! If you missed orientation, I have attached our pamphlet with important information for the year!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Make sure you follow us on our social media pages to stay up to date on all of our activities this school year!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Tomorrow, August 8th, drop your student off at 9 am, then pick them back up at 1 pm. We will serve them lunch, and they will learn about BMS, meet their teachers, and socialize with their friends! Then, tomorrow night, at 6 pm, return to the school for a parent orientation!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Tomorrow (Aug. 1st) is the deadline to order the 23-24 yearbook with free shipping! Make sure to order yours! https://www.treering.com/
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Fall Sports Information!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Back to School Reminders!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Next Thursday, August 1st is the deadline to order the 23-24 yearbook! Make sure to order yours! https://www.treering.com/
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
It's almost that time! Students come back to school on Tuesday, August 20th. I have attached a supply list as well as a summarized calendar of events for this school year. We are looking forward to seeing all of our students in a month!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
We are happy to announce that we will be having 6th grade orientation on Thursday, August 8th. Students are invited to orientation during the day from 9 am - 1 pm, and then parents are invited for orientation that evening at 6 pm in the gym. This is a great opportunity for students to meet up with their friends, meet the staff, and get comfortable with the layout of the building. Then, that evening we will answer all the common questions and introduce families to our school! We are so excited to meet the Class of 2031!
5 months ago, Lauren Hensley
If you missed the awards ceremonies this week, and you would like to pick up your students' awards and/or report cards, you can stop by the school next week from 9 AM - 2 PM. The school will be closed down for the summer starting on June 17th! We will see everyone back in August. Have an amazing summer!
7 months ago, Lauren Hensley
One of our many competitions on Tuesday during field day was a watermelon eating contest. The students had so much fun participating and watching! Thanks to Ms. Davis and Mr. Ritchie for all their hard work putting this event together. I am truly hoping this becomes an annual tradition! https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/lnshaw_k12_wv_us/EVyNTxI0qC9LsfEfCCaeLXoBVllm1EdfIpkilE6Yhd2Qmw?e=cDegW8&nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJTdHJlYW1XZWJBcHAiLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJTaGFyZURpYWxvZy1MaW5rIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXcifX0%3D
7 months ago, Lauren Hensley
Today was the last day for the majority of the staff at Buffalo. This year has been full of learning and laughter. Our Buffalo community truly bonded, and we built a strong camaraderie between staff and students. The office staff created an end of year presentation for the staff today, and we wanted to also share it with you all! We hope everyone has a wonderfully relaxing summer. We are already looking forward to seeing everyone in the Fall! https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/lnshaw_k12_wv_us/EWDLy6ctsr9DuGT-Gb8xgwoBKFTVjln4_aoF52vNWpsrxg?e=dawZUg
7 months ago, Lauren Hensley
PAIZLEY DUVALL - 8th Grade June Student of the Month - Paizley is a hard-working student with a good attitude. She is passionate about keeping up with her assignments. She participates in class and has a wonderful sense of humor. We always look forward to seeing her in class.
7 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
Paizley Duvall June 24 SOM
BRODY WOLFE - 8th Grade June Student of the Month - Brody is an all-around amazing student who is a pleasure to have in class. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and goes above and beyond! I also owe him a PIEING! He is such a good sport!
7 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
Brody Wolfe June 24 SOM
Brody Wolfe Pie
CASH LOVEJOY - 7th Grade June Student of the Month - Cash is friendly and knows no stranger. His humor and energy make every day more enjoyable for his peers and teachers. He is never afraid to ask questions and volunteer answers. I couldn't even get a serious picture!
7 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
Cash Lovejoy June 24 SOM
PIPER LEWIS - 7th Grade June Student of the Month - Piper is a hard-working and dedicate student and puts 110% into everything she does. She is a good friend to all and is always willing to help when someone is in need. She never backs down from a challenge.
7 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
Piper Lewis June 24
BENTLEY FERGUSON - 6th Grade June Student of the Month - Bentley has improved in many areas of the school year. He is organized, stays on task, and always completes quality work.
7 months ago, Buffalo Middle School
Bentley Ferguson June 24 SOM